
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

C is for Cantaloupe Sorbet

I recently read a blog post at about freezing bananas and dropping them in the food processor for nearly instant (and wonderfully healthy!) ice cream.  Can't you just imagine a bowl of smooth banana ice cream with chocolate chips sprinkled on top?  I am totally intrigued by the idea of puréeing frozen fruit into a sorbet or ice cream texture.  It'd be a low calorie dessert, but still satisfying, and I'm loving that combination because I'm a girl with a sweet tooth.

I didn't have any bananas around this week, but I did have a cantaloupe that smelled amazing.  When Peter cut into it, we both thought it was a bit overripe.  I put the pieces of slightly mushy fruit onto a cookie sheet and popped it into the freezer with the hopes that frozen cantaloupe would behave the same way that bananas did in my inspiration post.  Good news!  Frozen cantaloupe will turn into a sorbet texture when you put it in the food processor!

Cantaloupe Sorbet
by Rachel

1 cantaloupe, cut into cubes
juice from 1 orange
1 Tbsp. sugar
pinch of salt

Put the cantaloupe cubes on a cookie sheet in the freezer for several hours or up to a few days.  When you're ready to create the sorbet, let the cookie sheet sit out at room temperature for 5-10 minutes, so the cantaloupe won't stick to the cookie sheet.  Drop the fruit into the food processor and pulse to chop and blend it.  Add the juice from one orange as the cantaloupe is blending.  Sprinkle in the sugar and salt and continue to pulse until the fruit takes the consistency of a sorbet.  Scoop the sorbet into a freezer-safe container and let it harden in the freezer for about an hour before serving.  Enjoy!

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